Sunday, February 17, 2019

Mosdos Belz of Lakewood Charidy Fundraiser

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The crown of Torah Jewry in America. How befitting a choice of Belz to build a community, upon such a foundation. The existing Torah infrastructure certainly supported its success. Despite the many naysayers, that deemed it an impossible feat, Belz is a blossoming community. We are witnessing an unbelievable growth; above and beyond all projections. The growth is evident, not only in numbers but rather, in the values, that have been implemented.
The Belzer community has centered itself as a place for Torah and Tefillah. The Belzer Bais Midrash is a vibrant place of Tefillah, where neighbors of all stripes, gather for davening. As well, the Belzer Kollel, has become a place where the sweet Kol of Torah resonates, constantly. It has become a community Kollel of sorts. Many Choshuver Talmudei Chachamim and Rabbanim from the neighborhood, find their place within these walls.

A perfect setting with access to many Seforim, and of course the enthusiastic Kol Torah of Yungeleit deeply involved in their learning.

Perhaps the most telling, about the Belzer community, is the Rav Chesed organization.

Designed to help the needy in all walks of life, regardless of background. It is the hallmark of a Kehilla, looking outward, to encompass all in its warm embrace.

This is but one example, a sure indication of the passionate guidance of the Belzer Ruv, Shlita.

The message to his Chasidim, always has been, and continues to be one of reaching out and availing oneself to the greater community.

Interacting with rest of Klal Yisroel to improve oneself and enhance Klal Yisroel as a whole.

It is his guiding mission statement, that has been well absorbed and highly prioritized.

Now Belz Lakewood is reaching out to you. Specifically, those who value and treasure a Torah Chinuch for their children, can relate to our predicament.

A fledgling Cheder and school, with close to 500 talmidim and talmidos this year…and 650 expected next year,

we desperately need a powerful infusion of funds, to stabilize them for the long run.

As well, we've come real close to starting construction on a recently purchased building/property for which funds are crucial to proceed.

 Help us to achieve the stability we so desperately need. Show us your support! Together Let us make a Kiddush Hashem!

May we experience many opportunities to do for each other, and do for Hashem!!


  1. Why is this more aniyei ircha than existing lakewood mosdos.

  2. Belz is in Lakewood but they are taking care of themselves.
