Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Board Approves Plan for a Chasuna Hall

Last  night at the Lakewood Planning board meeting the board approved a extension to Yeshiva Toras Menachem school building on Swarthmore Ave that will include a wedding hall.  In order to have sufficient parking the school leased a adjacent 2.5 acre parcel from the Lakewood industrial commission (LIC) at a cost of 25K a year. Board insisted it be a 50 year lease and use of the hall will be cintingent on the lease. 
The extension is a 2 story, 30,623 sq ft, added to their school building, including a new in-ground pool.  The entry to some driveways will be right in right out on Swarthmore Avenue.


  1. It's only shuls that get opposed anything else gets approved with the right connections

    1. Especially when you can't use the mikva as an excuse as was done to stop a shul.

  2. Gevaldek!! Gevaldik!!
    More חתונות more Simchas more Yidden!
    I'm 100% pro,

    There was an old person Chazan Antmin 102 years old,
    That his kids were killed in the Holocaust,
    He used to sit in Bais Faiga he said that this is his נקמה against the Germans to see Yidden getting married.

    But I say that Litfish bucherim should start getting married at 17 not at 24,

    {Note: I am opposed to something that will directly Be a loss יורד לאומנות חברו but I do not know if it's applicable here I'm just mentioning it אגב}

  3. Do parents have to pay for the building fund? Not a bad business proposition

  4. As long as your well connected... you can do/get whatever you want and stop others getting what they NEED - all l’shaim shamayim of course!
