Friday, October 5, 2018

Menendez vs. Hugin is a Senate race to watch

NJ 12- A United States Senate seat is up for grabs in New Jersey for midterm elections and political experts say that it is a race to watch.

A recent poll found a near dead heat between Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez and his Republican challenger Bob Hugin. The Stockton University poll found that Menendez leads by just two percentage points. But other polls found some different numbers. “I think it’s definitely a race to watch and I think it’s a race both sides should be concerned about and not call as a given at this point in time,” says Rutgers Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling director Ashley Koning.

Koning says that the Stockton University poll missed some key voting populations.

“There were a lot of discrepancies in those who identify as Hispanic, those in 18 to 29 age range and there were a lot more Republicans in their sample compared to others,” she says.

Some voters say that Menendez’s corruption trial last year weighs heavily on their mind when making a decision of who to vote for. The trial ended in a hung jury and the Department of Justice later dropped the charges.

Hugin, nearly unknown at the time, received 40 percent of the vote in the June primary. Some political experts say that they believe that it was a protest vote against Menendez.

Hugin is the former CEO of pharmaceutical company Celgene. He has been accused of presiding over the price-gouging of cancer drugs during his time there.

Some residents in Middlesex County told News 12 New Jersey that they are ready to vote for whoever they think will best represent New Jersey in the upcoming election.

Election Day is Nov. 6. The last day to register to vote is Oct. 16.
news 12


  1. I will be voting for Menendez no matter what. Unlike Cory booker, he defied Obama and voted against the Iran nuclear deal. I will never vote for Booker again .

  2. The Hirsch ml and mm race. Will be something to watch

    1. Is this somehow related to the Mendez article?

    2. MENASHE THE ABOLISHEROctober 7, 2018 at 7:50 AM

      I only do what is best for the klal. Unfortunately, not everything can be explained to simpleminded people like you, because they may not understand, and that will spoil the plan. There is alot going on behind the scenes and what may look like corrupt activity, is not what it appears to be. Trust me on this.

  3. The Democrats have one agenda, that is to impeach President Trump. We owe Trump hakoras hatov; we all have to strongly endorse the Republican candidates!

  4. This is a hard one for us. Menedez stuck out his neck by defieing Obama on Iran . He suffered for it too; the charges against him came soon thereafter (no question Obama the tyrant pulled the strings). On the other hand we owe a great deal of gratitude to Trump as well.

    1. True Menendez did go against Obama on the Iran deal. But he is part of the Democrat party which is becoming frighteningly radically leftist fast...
