Friday, October 26, 2018

A town of Hachnosas Orchim

Repost: Parshas Vayera- The Capitol hotel was the place were many meshulachim and guests would stay while spending time in Lakewood, it has now gone. There are many private homes who offer guests to stay in for extended periods of time free of charge. B'H we have large homes with basements and attics to accommodate guests who stay in town. Its not only sleeping arrangements, but for food and meals, the Tomchei Tzedaka arranges nightly suppers and vouchers at local eateries. With both the Capitol and the former Solomon's suites closed, guest space is a bit harder to come by. However, local tzadikim and
yechidim are pitching in helping to fill the void. In some developments neighbors  have a system putting up guests when someone makes a simcha. The opportunity for the mitzva of hachnosas Orchim  is now. Chap arein and lets continue to follow in the footsteps of Avraham Avinu.


  1. The Bais Hatavshil and Hachnosas Orchim of Lakewood has spots and food for those in need.
    You can donate a Seudas Aniyim and generate major zechusim for yourself and your family.
    See the papers distributed weekly in your local Shul or printed in the Lakewood Weekly for more information.

  2. The bais hatavshil is the only place that is doing it with an open hand.

    1. I don't know about other places, but I spoke to a meshulach who couldn't praise the Bais HaTavshil enough. There was a variety of dishes and options for all people.

  3. The Crapitol was also full of homeless and undesirables that the county paid them big bucks to house in squalid moldy rooms. I for one am glad it’s gone.

    1. Some people are unfortunately not well or homeless. They are an undesirable because they are more unfortunate than you? They smelled?
      Thank Hashem you have better, but to be disgusted by another tzelem elokim is a disgrace. You should have davened for them to improve their lives and then leave on better terms. The fault was with the hotel for being a disgusting eyesore by not maintaining their facility.

    2. I think he was reffering to the drug addicts and prostitutes that lived there not the less fortunate people that had no place else to live.

  4. For thousand of years , every Yiddish shtut had a “hekdesh “ were people could sleep , nourish their body’s which was a project and funded by that city.
    B”h the tzadikim who run our bais hatvshil to gives us a shmira in shamim for our city

  5. Nisht alles vos men redt zol men shcriben
    vhamavin yovin


  6. .....מפרנסים עניי עכום עם
    This is the invite to all of downtown Lake wood
