Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Rubashkin Thanks President Trump in Front of US Embassy in Jerusalem

Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin and his Rebbetzin publicly thank US President Donald Trump in front of the US embassy in yerushalayim holding a sign G-D Bless President Trump.


  1. Am i the only one who is burnded out of all the rubashkin hype???

  2. it's not that i'm burnt out just don't understand why he became an עבודה זרה??
    if you look at matzav and the yated it's totally just hype hype hype for him don't get it

  3. I'm very happy for him and his family. He is giving chizuk to kcal yisrael.
    Not hype at all.

  4. Replies
    1. Emunah Bitachon Geula didn't you see the dancing and simcha that klal yisrael felt for him. Last year Rosh Hashana he davened in prison not knnowing his fate and on zos Chanukah he was freed. does that not give anyone chizuk?????

    2. It was amazing and tremendous chizuk.
      As happy as I am for him and his family this in my opinion is all a pr stunt by the Yated and it's editor. Notice that he's in just about every picture with Rubashkin.

  5. Its all pinny from the yated whos behind it.

  6. By idolizing him you are ruining it for other frum inmates and for yiddin in general.
    Not everything needs a public announcement. Besides, yiddin are suppose to be bitzneeyus, not loud and eye gouging.

    1. Did you ever hear of the concept of Hakoras Hatov?

    2. Hakaras hatov can be done without idolizing him and can also be done bitznius.

    3. Im sure you have reason to show hakaras hatov for different peole in your lifr time. Do u go around every month making a spectacle of that appreciation. We know u dont , because if u did we would all hear about it. Everything has a shiur. Enough already.
      When rubashkin starts to pay back his long list of chovos,or when he lands a job, are you going to publish​ it?
      Now that would be something worthwhile posting.
