Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Lakewood Chaveirim adding 10 Members in Toms River and Jackson

Message from Lakewood Chaveirim on their social media platforms
Good News for Toms River...WE GOT YOUR BACK!!!
Thanks to the generosity of hundreds of donors from the Lakewood community and beyond, we are delighted to announce that we have reached our campaign goal of $250,000!

In the final days of the campaign, we have launched a bonus round with the fundraising goal of an additional $25,000. These funds will be allocated for equipping roughly 10 additional members in the Toms River and Jackson communities so that we can continue to meet the ever-growing demands of these rapidly expanding areas.


  1. why not leave well enough alone why doesnt lkwd chaverim stick to lkwd which is big enough and more then enough to keep them busy
    let toms river have their own chaverim and yes let toms river have their own hatzalo as well why is nj any different then boropark and flatbush that each have their own individual branches as well as fundraising
    seems to me its money,power and control thats driving all these organizations to not let go and mantain overall control and not leshaym shomayim as if it was leshaym shomayim let each neighborhood/township have its own members and fundraising
    just wondering was this shayla posed to the rabbinical board of each organization?
    hatzalo put together a video of their recent visit to gedoleim and poskim of eretz yisroel was this question posed to them ?or they only ask questions they dont mind the outcome of the answers ??just saying..

    1. You say "leave well enough alone", Lakewood has been covering Toms River for years.
      Why the need for a new one?

    2. Very silly comment. The reason whyou is obviously because Jackson and Toms river are still small communities which are not yet able to sustain their own hatzolah and chaveirim. Next time please just say thank you in a nicer tone

  2. Why the need to control everything? Other towns should be free to open their own organizations.

  3. It should be up to the national chaveirim to decide this. In Monsey its called Chaveirim of Rockland and they service the entire area.

  4. fyi their is no national organization of chaverim each city starts their own thats exactly my point
    let each town have their own hatzala,chaverim,gemachim,garbage collection etc
    no reason why toms river needs to be run by LKWD b"h their are plenty of a capable individuals who would volunteer for any of the above mentioned organizations(besides garbage collection:))

  5. I always find it funny, how whatever happens whether good or bad , there will always be the anonymous commenters that have the “correct” answer and the “better way” to have to anything and everything. I’d love to see how their lives are run. Must be like a dream...

  6. To those that are concerned about “Lakewood” running organizations in other towns, and saying that there are plenty of capable ppl to start organizations of their own, maybe answer this one simple question. The State of NJ is about 200 mikes long, why in heavens name did all these people in Jackson and Toms River move right into Lakewood’s shadow? Aren’t you capable of starting your own neighborhoods and building up your own stores, schools and everything else in between? Or did you really want to mooch whatever you could from Lakewood?

    1. Why do lakewood and toms river have separate governments?
      People moved because we stick together and have relatives I Lakewood.

  7. I don't understand why just because you live a few blocks further south or west suddenly you need your own organizations for everything. Does a line on a map make you into a separate kehillah?

  8. Amazing! LKWD Chaveirm can raise 250K to keep control of a useful organization, but to keep a school open we have to run to LA.....

  9. Chaveirim kol yisrael can't we all get along. Chaverim is a wonderful organization selfless volunteers helping klal yisrael.

  10. to answer the post below,i quote
    August 22, 2018 at 1:10 PM
    Very silly comment. The reason whyou is obviously because Jackson and Toms river are still small communities which are not yet able to sustain their own hatzolah and chaveirim. Next time please just say thank you in a nicer tone

    btw for your info their are a few hundred families living in toms river with more moving every day. these arent small communities
    and when you call hatzala and the response time is longer because they are further then lakewood DO YOU WANT THAT ON YOUR CHESHBON IF THEIRS A TRAGEDY that could be avoided if theirs a hatz member on your block or within 5 blocks instead of 3/4 of a mile away and then need to call for a bus for transport which can take even longer trying to get thru traffic in a cardiac patient where seconds not minutes can make THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH

    seems your short term memory has been affected as you forgot about the tragic drowning at the beginning of the summer in jackson nj

    lets take CHAVERIM
    lets take this scenario you live in toms river you work in new york u left home at 6:am
    your wife needs to do car pool and its 15 degrees outside and the minivan doesnt start
    should she wait 1/2 hour for lakewood to send over a member (dont forget lakewood on that cold day will also have 25 calls of cars not starting due to the cold
    why does someone in toms river need to wait for 30 minutes or longer for someone to boost her car because lkwd chaverim wants to raise $$$ and decide when someone from lkwd will shlep out to toms river. in traffic a 10 minute drive turns into 30 minutes thats an hour roundtrip if you were a lkwd chaverim member in december at 15 degrees
    youd be mumbling perhaps we shouldve let toms river have their own chaverim who needs to sit in traffic to travel 1/2 hour and keep in mind this will happen continuously on a steady basis
    btw for the record i live in lkwd for a very long time and am a member of a volunteer organization and am appreciative of our local organizations which do tremendous chesed 24-7

    i have relatives in toms river so i see,and hear both sides of this but i cant for the life of me understand why organizations cant "fargin" who does it bother, what can it hurt to have each town (where talking where they want it and have the manpower and money to fund it we arent talking about a small neighborhood of 20 families as you put it where talking about a different town with a few hundred families and if its too far to walk hence the need for their own shuls and mikvoes the same goes for HATZALO AND CHAVERIM
    you still havent answered why lkwd and toms river is any diffrent then boro park and flatbush which each have their own hatzalo if anything lkwd to toms river is even further geographically-milage wise necessitating its own hatzalao

  11. you know what strikes me as funny why did lkwd chaverim accept 10 NEW MEMBERS FROM TOMS RIVER why all of a sudden why werent they accepted a year ago????
    answer is when the threat of a competing organization was real they decided too little too late to accept members from toms river
    if chaverim of lkwd was all about JUST chesed A)why not add members from toms river a year ago and why does it bother them for another town to have their own organization
    theirs no competition when it comes to helping a fellow yid. you think...
