Sunday, June 24, 2018

Simcha Season

Its Chasunah season, The simcha halls are booked all week long. Walk to your fridge, look at your calendar, check out your scheduler on your cell phone, the boxes are full and scribbled in with reminders for the many Simchas during the month of June. B"H there are so many simchos in klal yisrael. We tend not to report on positive and good news. Yet how can we ignore the very fact that yidden are traveling every night to one, two, or even three weddings. Families are commuting throughout the Tri-state area, from Brooklyn to Lakewood, from Lakewood to Monsey, from the Catskills to the city or from out of town. Many are traveling long road trips to or from the Midwest or other places out of town to attend a family simcha.

We are witnessing the continuation and constant building of klal yisrael. The continuation of the promise of lo yomushu mpi zraacha. Yes we are getting home very late and than have a wedding the next night again. Not to forget the Shabbos aufruf and the excited family get together for Shabbos Sheva Brachos.

We tend to take it for granted, however we must stop and pause and see what is going on around us. We should appreciate the kindness of Hashem and to think about, and help those that are having a difficult time with shidduchim during theses times of Simcha.

Simchas by Klal Yisrael.


  1. Such a nice post! And so nice to see something that's not bitter or complaining for a change. Thank you!

    1. I was actually thinking the same thing .When I read a non bitter post , I thought I was on a different blog .
