Friday, June 15, 2018

Eruv Mehudar Now at Meadow Run Pitney area in Jackson


  1. And I call myself a millionaire. It doesn't make me a millionaire.

    1. I love the knee jerk reaction

    2. where in Jackson is this? how come they couldn't get a local rov to certifiy it?

    3. Very strange we have so many rabbis that know what they're doing but we have to import from out of state?

    4. שאלת חכם חצי תשובה

  2. No one relies on Steinmetz in Eiruvin, kashrus, etc.
    It's a big gelechter.

  3. Lakewood Rabbonim unfortunately have their hands tied. Unless it’s a Ketter supporting the “Hakoras Hatov” people no one can do anything be it an eiruv, dealing with the school catastrophe, the gashmius epidemic, etc etc. The only thing any “authority” makes a tumul about is making sure the money is flowing to the right places.

    1. Lol anyone is free to speak with any competent Lakewood Rav, all of whom are against these sort of Eiruvin, and none will say it's because they're hands are tied.

    2. The Eruv in the Miller Rd, S. Lake, new Central area is endorsed by all of the area Rabbonim.

    3. Love you love with such conviction, case in point Rabbi SM Katz and Rabbi Shlomo Miller

    4. Your 100% right. Except that besides thier hand are tied, their toes and tougue are tied too. And The proof is because the lakewood hanhalah claim they have nothing to do with the illegal billboards

  4. Alumni Beis EliyahuJune 16, 2018 at 10:34 PM

    Bli chasash upikpuk-how about it not satisfying neither the opinions of the Rambam or Rosh
    They can’t just come from Monsey and say such genius things like this
    There is also the chashash of the sechiras reshus
    It would make infinitely many more sense to write that one can dip their matzah in soup in Pesach Nomi chashash upikpuk

  5. Jackson is not Lakewood there is no Route 9 no Rabbonim said you cannot build an Eruv in Jackson

  6. Alumni Beis EliyahuJune 17, 2018 at 1:12 PM

    except the Rambam and the Rosh .
    I think those poskim can even be considered "heimeshe"

    1. You should call up R.Steinmetz and let him know it must have been an oversight

    2. Alumni Beis EliyahuJune 20, 2018 at 12:24 PM

      I am not saying it is pasul , but to flaunt bli chashash upikpuk is just exaggerated .
      So the only question is what else is exaggerated
