Thursday, April 12, 2018

Website Launched "The Lakewood Response" Giving a Voice to the Vaccine Reaction

The Anti Vaxer Movement launched a website The Lakewood Response Giving a Voice to the Vaccine Reaction. Two Months ago a email sent out by The Vaccine coalition  reignited  the Vaccine debate again specifically in Lakewood. It set off swift responses within the frum Jewish Media and in Lakewood. They were called a small, fringe group that ignores the advice of medical professionals who overwhelmingly support immunizations. Dr. Rich Roberts painfully dis invited non vaccinated people from his bi annual Chol Hamoed carnival. Letters by prominent pediatricians in Lakewood were written in support of immunizations for children to prevent tragic occurrences and denouncing this movement.

 On the website they claim there is a Deep State in Lakewood that has a monetary motive to push vaccines.


  1. Looked at the anti-vaxx website and although the writer is articulate, there is nothing compelling about the harm vaccines cause, rather it is all an attempt to attack the credibility of the medical community. With that in mind, there are a few questions that come to mind that I was hoping some of our anti-vaxxer friends can help me with:

    Having negiyus doesn't necessarily make you wrong, just as having no negiyus doesn't necessarily make you right. So instead of attempting to discredit the medical community can you tell us why you are to be believed/trusted?

    Do you think doctors secretly don't vaccinate their children, or do you believe that they are so evil as to harm their own children for money?

    I think we can all agree that insurance companies are in it for the money. With that said, why would they push vaccines if in reality it is HARMING the public's health?

    Is there a hashkafik/frumkeit reason not to vaccinate?

    1. Did you see the article about the Gardasil vaccine?
      Seems pretty compelling to me

    2. Why would insurance companies have negius? Pharmaceutical companies, yes, but why health insurance companies?

      If you personally know anti-vaxers, you would know many have negius as well. Many have children who unfortunately have issues, in the parents view, there are 2 possible causes, themselves (either genetically or through lack of neo-natal care, or vaccines), they have negius to blame the vaccines (to me the fact the fact that they only consider 2 options shows a lack of bitachon)

      When the whole anti-vaxer movement started, it was based on a study that blamed medical problems on the use of thimerserol in vaccines as a preservative. Firstly, the study was found faulty for many reasons, including the fact that the case study was based on only 12 patients. Many studies have been done since, and none have found any issues with the minute amounts of thimerserol that has been used in vaccines. Secondly, thimerserol is no longer used in vaccines (with the exception of some flue vaccines).

      So now that the anti-vaccers no longer have their excuse, they are constantly looking for other reasons not to vaccinate, rebels without a cause, yet many, have invested so heavily in this "cause", that they still fight on.

      Unlike other conspiracy movements which sometimes end up being true, (Deep State, Assassination of JFK etc.)they tend to grow in steam as time goes on, the anti-vacc movement is a shell of it's former self, with only the true believers clinging to the "cause".

    3. I did now.

      However, after about 10 minutes of googling and the CDC website it is painfully obvious that the article plays loose and fast with the facts.

      Additionally, many of the claims are purposely and obviously misleading. For example, why boys get vaccinated. A logical person realizes that this is to stop the SPREAD of the virus. Furthermore, the virus is the cause of other cancers that do affect men.

    4. Can you please reference "the" study done on thimerosal with only 12 patients. interesting that the needle-happy's never need to substantiate anything.

    5. As far as I could tell all the proof that vaccines work are based on anecdotal evidence Example: the claim vaccines wiped out polio and the like are just anecdotal without a study to back them up. And all Vaccine "safety" studies are one vaccine against another not against a benign placebo.

    6. The anti vaxxers are not coming with educated reasons. Some of their "proof" in the PEACH magazine is 30 odd years old!!

    7. oh, you googled the CDC website for 10 minutes to see why it is necessary to vaccinate your 9 year old boy? really?
      The doctors here will tell you that the reason is that he shouldn't spread HPV (a STD) from one girl to the next...
      I rest my case

  2. The anti-vax "movement" is 300 years old. When the smallpox vaccine came out people were anti it because it turned kids into cows-if you think this sounds crazy you never read anti GMO writings. There were riots at difrent times in history, In the 1820's Massachusetts passed a law requiring all kids to be vaccine with smallpox to go to public schools there was such an outcry that the first religius exemt was passed. It does not matter if one study is discreded anther pop up

    1. Ok listen number one both sides have very much what to rely on.
      Probobly most Gedolim hold to just listen to doctors and give vaccines, however a lot of them hold that you should not.Like R Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rav Malkiel Kotler...etc. or even that you don't have to give like Rav Chaim Kanievsky looked into it (Dr. Shanick explaining to him in a letter all the percentages...etc.).
      So to start screaming at anti-vaccers just relax a moment, when someone is about to something on Shabbos that might be problematic you scream R.Chaim holds.. but when there's a clear letter of R Chaim saying no school is allowed to refuse a kid bec. He's not vaccinated this R Chaim got too old to gin his opinion!
      All what him saying is that parent have the right to make their research and decide for their kid what they feel is right (specially when there is plenty to rely on)
      The Oilam should calm down a bit on this topic (both extreme should chill a bit)
      And Agav for this Dr to refuse parents and kids to a Chol Hamoed event bec of vaccination??? Is a Chutspa Noroha! bec he has a valide opinion that gives him the right to uninvite other Yidim.
      Moshiah is at our doorstep!

    2. Jenner was a a fraudster because cowpox cant protect against smallpox the only relationship these 2 bacteria share is that the common names both end in pox it like saying I will give you a chickenpox vaccine and you will be immune to smallpox or measles which is scientifically understood that it doesn't work that way.

    3. Anon 9:21, "both sides" do not have what to rely on. Sometimes one side wrong.

      We there the govern mentioned has the right to enforce vaccines is a different, civil liberties question. But there is no question that parents should give vaccines.

    4. Pox was a name for any illness. Jenner spend many years studing all cowpox until he found the right one. If it is harvested to early dos not work, to late dos not work after about 30years it were off. Until they were able to frezie dry it it had a very short self life. Getting excepted was an up hill battle it did not help when newspaper had picters of kids with cow horns and tails saying that this is what happens if your kids are given the vaccine

  3. The hospitals very recently started giving hep b vaccines to babies 1 day old as opposed to waiting till the accepted time, because of exposure in drug addict families.....there are no studies if one day old is too early!!! A local Big pediatrician says to give it at birth....i called a big pediatrician in ny and he said absolutely not...There's no studies as to how it affects a newborn with an undeveloped immune system and you must wait till it's the norm to give....yes...these questions are not simple medically and after both sides of the medical field lay out the facts and opinion then it's up to the gedolim to determine which opinion based on the facts available shtim with the torah.

    1. No one is talking about the hepatitis vaccine.

    2. of course they are all doctors push it
