Sunday, February 4, 2018

Bingo Kosher Market plans to Open Lakewood store This Summer

Back in March 2016 Bingo announced plans to open stores in the US starting with Brooklyn followed by Lakewood and other Jewish markets. In an interview last week Bingo management set a target date for the opening of ts Lakewood, NJ branch. The plan is to open in the summer of 2018, reports indicate the company "Osher Ad" from Israel, leased a box store on Rt 70 in Lakewood. A Costco type of store will bring more competition to the Lakewood supermarkets. In the last 2 years 4 supermarkets have opened but Bingo will cater to the low cost discount shoppers.


  1. Guess what I support them and guess why?

    The original older Lakewood supermarkets did not let cheaper stores come open up in Lakewood worried lest it take business away from them.... (the 3 new large supermarkets of Evergreen Seasons and Gourmet glatt was no problem since they are more expensive and charge more then older supermarkets)

    This is a free country and It's pure dishonesty and corruption to stop a competitor from opening up a business cause they are cheaper than you or for loss of business. Lakewood is growing by leaps and bounds and there's enough parnasaah for all supermarkets

    Now for being a dishonest supermarket you deserve to be stepped on my others taking over you. Do teshuva now and return to Honesty and Hashem may then help your parnassah

    1. I’m glad you think that all the new stores are more expensive than all the older stores on town I shop In the biggest 1 and save plenty of money plus get great service bingo has nothing for me

    2. I couldn't agree more with you

    3. where do you get your information from? do you just make it up?

    4. NPGS is cheaper then any of the 3 New supermarkets do your research and compare their prices as I have done.

      Sure they all have weekly sales and you can run after those sale items each week but when you do the math on the complete store and shop for all your needs in one store NPGS comes out cheapest from all

    5. Most people are upset at npgs for not allowing cheaper stores from Brooklyn to open here even though hundreds of struggling families will save on their grocery bills so when the 3 new stores opened they started shopping there.

    6. To you who lives in a free country: Not everything is free and Chachameinu z"l have delineated the order of whom townspeople ought to support. And guess what? Your first allegiance is to people of your town because that it how a strong economy is based - via mutual patronage. If the butcher buys clothing from the local haberdasher and the florist shops at the local bakery, and the local liquor store donates its maaaser to support the Kollel, and the yungeleit buy seforim at the Judaica store, you have a town that is self supported. But if outside investors come in and speculate on the profit and funnel resources out of the town, you will have businesses suffering and in turn the Mosdos will not be able to pay their faculty. Grandiose, bombastic Chinese auction prizes, intended to bamboozle those who don't understand the far reaching effects of the destruction they are wreaking, will not support the Mosdos in the consistent manner that local businesses have. So choose - be short sighted and get some select yogurts at below cost, while you overpay for most everything else, or support your brother, your neighbor your friend and make sure that they don't go under so that you will have schools to send your children to!

    7. What about the thousands of people that will save when bingo opens

    8. Will those thousands who will "save" start paying full tuition? Or perhaps, will the "new order" abolish the need for an organization like Tomchei Shabbos? If that's the case, then it's good that they are coming to town. But don't hold your breath.

    9. everyone in Lakewood pays full tuition. There is no option offered for partial tuition.

    10. @Anonymous who posted at 5:58 am you clearly work for npgs or are npgs.

    11. I wonder what kind of tax incentives Bingo is receiving? Does anyone know? Do they accept food stamps? Looking to see if an out of towner can open a Deli in town but gathering suppport seems to be a local thing. any ideas?

  2. I heard pomegranate and Moshe's are coming too! Lets sit and watch the price war begin!

    1. heard pomegrantes opening under a diff name in new shopping center near raintree

    2. For those who relish price wars - remember wars kill. It's not something to look forward to. Neither is it very appetizing to feed your family with the loot you get from having destroyed a business that belongs to a friend or neighbor.

  3. The joke is how the old stores brainwashed you that they are cheap and non profit. Their pricing was always higher than Brooklyn for profit stores. Strange.

    1. MOSHES AND KRM in Brooklyn are way cheaper then NPGS

    2. Agree
      Moshes and Krm are way cheaper then npgs
      Also seasons is cheaper then npgs in alot of things. Go and Compare prices.

  4. They are not cheaper. They have loss leaders, ehicj makes them appear cheaper. I challenge anyone to compare item by item

  5. Bingo is fantastic and their prices are great BUT do not let yourself be fooled that it's a "kosher Costco". It isn't anything like Costco.

  6. its amazing how u all remain anonymous with nothing nice to say and a bunch of lies its easy to hide behind a wall hope u all have secure jobs and never have to suffer what is going to happen in this town yes i will remain anonymous i Owen a grocery store in town

    1. I feel very bad for you. I don't own a grocery store, but I am very close to someone who does (might even be you).
      Take my advise: Sell now. Whatever you can get for it, take and run for the hills.

    2. Many businesses have competition. If you take care of your customers, and have reasonable prices, you have nothing to worry about. If you rip them off, give them lousy service, have a dirty store, then yes you will lose customers.
      There is enough business for everybody, but consumers don't want to be taken advantage of.
      Do you know how many groceries closed in boro park when bingo opened? Zero.

    3. Petcentage wise there are more stores n lakewood then boro park.

  7. you underestimate what the supermarkets will do.since there is enough people to patronize all the supermarkets;they will meet together and set the not think for one minute that a competitor is coming to put someone out of business.the prices will be set together

  8. What a foolish comment!! No stores in boro park closed when bingo opened, does that prove that it didn't affect them? The other stores are very noticeably emptier since bingo opened.

    1. As a food supplier to the groceries, there was a drop when bingo opened, but most are back to their old volume.

  9. I am very price conscious and by shopping sales in GG and evergreen I am saving a lot of money on basics. For example high gluten flour is 3.69 for the cheapest in npgs, I've been buying it for $1.79 in GG Every few weeks. Milk is $2.19 for devash in evergreen and more in npgs. Eggs were .99 in evergreen for the last few weeks and 1.50 in npgs. I'll keep shopping in the new stores and I look forward to bingo opening here!

    1. Good to be price conscious and unconscious and behaving unconscionably about everything else. Your savings on flour or milk are miniscule. Is it worth betraying people you daven with, learn with and go to simchas with for a few pennies? What goes around comes around. Loyalty included.

    2. I’m sorry- are people supposed to be taken advantage of just because they’re your neighbors? I’m a SAHM who will spend a little (because that’s all it is) more to shop somewhere that’s clean and nice and where I’m not treated badly. I’m sick of the Old time lakewood grocery stores taking advantage of people because that’s all there was. I’m done buying expired , spoiled food and getting attitude from the cashier while bagging my own food and tripping over boxes at the same time. You want to still be in the game? Step it up.

  10. My neighborhood supermarket might not have the cheapest prices but they've worked their kishkes out to try and lower their prices, I get great customer service AND the store is CLEAN and organized.

  11. Competition is good. Given Bingos size they will no doubt have cheaper prices but you are right, you need to compare and dont assume that everything is cheaper.

    Regarding the experience, competition does make others step it up. this happened in brooklyn. once pom opened, others started to renovate, widen aisles and clean up their stores.

    For me personally, rock bottom prices are key and while the lack of service bothers me, i would rather save my money and spend it on things more important to me.

    All the things in the community that someone mentioned supporting need to be supported by their own. I.E. tuition for yeshivas, mikva fees for mikvas, kollels by DESIGNATED donors who choose to, NOT on the backs of me paying higher prioces in a store that gives its masser to the kollel.

  12. 7 months and no bingo in lakewood. Anyone have any updates?
