Thursday, January 11, 2018

Rubashkin coming to Lakewood for Private Meeting With the Roshei Yeshiva

Reb Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin will be in Lakewood to personally meet the Roshei Yeshiva and thank them. The Lakewood community was there for him from the get go to right the injustice that was done to him. The Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yeruchom Olshin paid a visit to Otisville during the Summer.  Reb Shalom Mordechai has a tremendous Hakoras hatov to the shtut. Reb Pinchos Lipscutz editor of the Yated Neeman is expected to accompany Shalom Mordechai at the meeting. He will go to the homes of Rav Olshin and Reb Malkiel solitaire at 3:45pm.


  1. If its private why be mefarsem?

  2. BH this is being done with chochma

  3. He should go to WG to make shalom there.
