Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Driving around Lakewood you may have noticed some lawn signs with messages about picking up the boys. As the days get colder the Bochurim dont always have busing available and are asking the good hearted drivers to pick them up and offer them a ride. Adding some humor to their plight, the boys launched an awareness campaign by placing various lawn signs at the corner of Pine street and MLK. The signs read "get a mitzva" "dont be like sedom" "pickup our boys".  Last week Thursday the bochurim gathered at that intersection holding up the signs to passing motorists.
So while your driving in the comfort of your car and you pass yeshiva boys who are standing in a safe place, pull over and give em a ride.


  1. The Yeshivas should give lessons in “Safe Hitching”. Very often they wait to close to the intersection or in a spot that doesn’t have a shoulder to pull over. It is very dangerous to stop in middle of the road.

    1. Or how about wake up for the bus that our taxes provide for u and stay in Yeshivah all day
      As a community we r encouraging laziness and mediocrity by chauffeuring these kids around

    2. We are not encouraging any laziness did you never miss a bus or a ride?
      Should we close down tzedakos to force people to work and not encourage shnorring and poverty?
      Their parents are not always available to drive them.
      Secondly speak to the menahlim how hard it is to arrange nightly busing bases don't show and the boys need a ride home.

      Do you really care about our tax dollars

    3. Yes, we should close down tzedakos and Gemachim. They’re a terrible handicap for people not willing to work hard and to live within their means. Case in point, in a town with almost a hundred thousand Jews, Jays bus service only employs about 15 Frum drivers?!?!? That makes sense to you? It does to me.

    4. Anon 6:50 there you go showing your true colors. Be happy you have Parnassah and please tell us what kind of job you have before belittling others.

    5. True colors....belittling....= ad hominem. You won’t answer because it’s too painful for you to answer. But you know the answer as well as I do.

    6. Of course I care about my tax dollars
      The hitching culture has brought down the Ramah of bnei torah in Lakewood and perpetuates a culture of mooching and disorder

  2. , the statue (title :39) provides that hitchhikers would need to be in the roadway in order to be in violation of the law. Standing on the sidewalk or on the curb is permitted, and it’s permitted for drivers to pull off the road to pick up a passenger, according to police. Remaining in the roadway would be in violation of the law

  3. It’s a good idea to spread around but it’s 2017 and I think making it so public is an invitation for some bad stuff to happen if u know what I mean.

  4. Cute idea, but sorry I won't comply and I don't think it's Midas Sdom. I think Hitching is a very dangerous activity, dangerous for the driver and dangerous for the passenger. In today's day and age, one never knows who you're getting a ride with or whom you're picking up. I even heard a story of a bochur who didn't want to get out of a woman's car after she picked him up. I've also seen dangerous driving situations when cars pull over or pull back into traffic when picking up a hitchhiker. These aren't country roads anymore, to say the least! I also think it's a chillul Hashem when people see so many frum bochurim hitching. It gives a very hefkerdik (sorry, hefkervelt) appearance. Parents and Menahalim are responsible to get their children to and from where they want to go. Even though Hillary said it takes a village, it's not everyone's responsibility. When my children were growing up, I found them rides to minyan or elsewhere if I couldn't take them myself. Last but not least, it's against the law!

    1. Why would a Women Give a Ride to a Man or a Bochur. Who told her to do that

  5. These bochurim are young and are quite capable of walking instead of hitching, which is so dangerous. One can see countless frum girls walking to and from school from great distances. If they can do it the bochurim can too!

  6. But if they are not in a safe place or you willl block traffic by stopping for them then please please do not stop and if you do it's mitzvah habaah biavaira

  7. Walking is healthy. Being fat and lazy is part of the societal problems we face today. And shaming others into facilitating this laziness, is a whole new low.

    1. Sure. So perhaps you, the driver, should get out of the car and walk. Oh, but your time is limited, unlike this bochur who is just a bench presser, who splits hairs in a ketzos all day.

      You sound like a real nice guy, doing people favors by not offering a ride. There was once a town full of those people, who were לה׳ מאד

    2. You apparently didn’t do a good job learning how to “split hairs on a ketzos” if that’s the best answer you can come up with. Maybe I ride a bicycle every day? Maybe I do walk to work every day? Maybe 1/3 of Americans have pre-or type two diabetes? Maybe you’re facilitating and encouraging 1/3 of this country being sick. Why aren’t you more caring and have more concern for your fellow Jew and fellow human? A bad habit, is a bad habit. Period

    3. Maybe the bochurim hitching go on a treadmill every day?
      It would be funny if it weren't disgusting. People have statistics and shitos to justify their bad middos. You're poshut doing them a favor by making them walk. Mamesh a bunch of tzadikim. Reminds me of a (former) city in the middle east.

  8. I almost gad,a terrible accident yesterday being behind somebody who stopped suddenly for a bochur.It could have been terrible rl

    1. Put away your phone and keep your eyes on the road

  9. Teyereh bochurim I try to pick you up when ever I pass but please stand in a safe place where there is enough room to pull over. It doesn't help to stand in middle if et 9 and expect a ride.

  10. Sweet potato tempuraNovember 14, 2017 at 2:50 PM

    Not proper behavior for Yeshivaleit. Do the Yeshivos teach how bochurim are supposed to act? Where is the "Shtoltz" of a Yeshiva bochur. Definitely NOT from hashtag signs.
    They are acting like teenage girls.

    1. Teenagers are teenagers, boys or girls.

  11. I disagree. Most of the teenage high school girls in Lakewood would not put up such signs. In most of the high schools ,the girls would not even know what the hashtag means.

    1. Sweet potato tempuraNovember 14, 2017 at 6:07 PM

      So the bochurim are actually embarrassing themselves. They are more worldly than the girls? What can I say?

    2. #YouAreClueless

  12. If you are Women No one said you need to give a Ride to Bochurim there are plenty bof men that can give Hitches

  13. I have almost hit bochurim hitching a few times in the middle of dark streets. Not a good practice, it should not be promoted.

  14. Gorget about hitying the bochrim. I almost hit the cars that stopped in middle of the,street

  15. Yes unfortunately ,I many cases the teen bochrim are more worldly than the teen high school girls at least here in Lakewood .
