Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Leil Shishi at Gourmet Glatt canceled by Rabbonim

After pressure from Rabbonim the Leil Shishi event at Gourmet Glatt Lakewood has been canceled. It was initially a for men only event and closed for bochurim. Composer Yossi Green and Singer Shlomo Simcha were going to debut a new album.
R' Yossi Green Tweeted:  Layl Shishi event in Lakewood has been called off. The Rabbonim didn't see it as a proper idea. For us it's an opportunity to be Mekayem מצוה לשמוע דברי חכמים! For me that always comes first. We always hope to do events that will be מקדש שם שמים, but if it doesn't meet approval of דעת תורה, then it's out.


  1. It was critical that this be cancelled. I mean this is obviously the most pressing risk facing our community.

    Not the kids at risk (that tthis would have actually been great for - better here than in non kosher outlets).

    Not the drug problem.

    Not the parnassah issues.

    No, this is a big problem.

    We live in a town full of idiots.

  2. Such hypocrisy, every other night there are parlor meetings with high end gashmiyus and that's ok. But this nice event has to be canceled? ????

    1. you could learn a lesson from yossi green

  3. Great news! I was under a lot of pressure from my children to take them and let stay up late for this. One less battle to fight.

  4. How would they distinguish between the Bochurim and the "Marrieds"? Would they have a bouncer? So now,maybe the guys will spend the time at home helping to get ready for Shabbos instead.

  5. But a fleshing seudas achashveirosh during the 9 days is ok.

    1. Yup was going to say the same! if Ak is involved all is fine if not have a good day!!! "Ak way or the highway"

    2. So the new scoop billboard is fine, seudas achasvairosh in 9 days is fine, corruption in ellection is fine, the traffic is fine, but this is the problem???????????

  6. So instead we have frum jews going nightly to the movie theater at the Lakewood border eating kosher food from the concessions stand. The rabbonim and roshei yeshivs were approched about it before it was finalized. And nothing was done.

  7. Well now that BMG endorsed a pro marijuana candidate they are scared everyone will to high.

  8. Maybe Gourmet Glatt cancelled it themselves. would they really want their parking lot choked up by hundreds of attendees who come for the fun but not the shopping?

    1. Nice try they planned ahead for thus event. They host events all the time no biggie.

  9. why cant the yeshivos control their own bochurim if that was their concern? dont they have hanhala and mashgichim?

    1. Because its always easier to blame others for your problems.

  10. To anon11:05. Who are you kidding the movie theatre was developed by frum developers with strong connections to yeshivah

    1. Is it open on shabbat. (Yeah, there are heterim. Partners, etc.)

  11. Sweet potato tempuraNovember 8, 2017 at 12:12 PM

    There has got to be more to this story.
    Can someone please fill us in here?

    1. The story is like this. Kanoi reads the ad. Bach yr told his rebbe about it they call a few others they raitz Un a RY store owner gets a phone call. If he's well connected it gets take care of, if not its cancelled.

  12. What's with the movie theater and kosher food? Never heard of it but sounds like a great outing with my wife every once in a while. Anyone have more info about that?

    1. Right on the Lakewood Howell border next to BJ's Escape theater. They Sell Kosher nosh.

    2. Xcape THEATER best theater ever (coming from a lkwd teen

  13. A few months ago there was a meeting to try shutting down a popular eatery in Lakewood because bochurim frequent it especially Thursday night were it becomes a "hang out".

    Someone spoke up and said let's be honest shy are bochurim not having a sipuk to stay in yeshiva for night seder?
    If we are not providing a structure we have no right to cheppeh yenems parnassah.

    1. What? Bochurim eating chu lent Thurs nite, instead of going to a theater?

      Next thing you know, they won't allow bochurim to date for six months.

    2. The right way to tackle issues is not to take away something that seems to be the problem because then the bachurim will just go find somewhere else hang out. Either provide something else or work with the bachurim. Either way I dont see anything wrong with this.

  14. Someone spoke up and said let's be honest shy are bochurim not having a sipuk to stay in yeshiva for night seder?
    If we are not providing a structure we have no right to cheppeh yenems parnassah.

    Based on that logic we would have no right to police anyone peddling harmful substances.

    Torah Vodaas is not known to be an overbearing Yeshiva. However in the 1970s even they successfully insisted on a pizza shop on their block closing down because it was becoming too much of a hangout. Today that might sound surprising. Back then even the anti-Torah baaley batim understood their behavior to be legitimate.

    1. Big difference a pizza shop on the block of yeshiva ad opposed to a restaurant that's a 10 minute car ride.

  15. This is insane! Crisis of klal yisroel and makes people question things ...
    Bmg can do anything as long as it benefits them but on others expense

  16. They should have a siyum and all problems will be solved.

  17. Is there anyone that knows the actual reason why it was cancelled?

  18. Can anyone confirm if this text/tweet from Yossi Green is true:
    In the spirit of us taking the opportunity to be Mekayem מצוה לשמוע דברי חכמים! Which as I said for me always comes first. I am DISCONNECTING from social media and deleting my twitter account. In addition I will be disposing of my smart phone as soon as I can transfer all my contacts to my new internet free cell phone. The Rabbonim dont see these things as proper. I always hope to do things that will be מקדש שם שמים, but if it doesn't meet approval of דעת תורה, then it's out.

  19. My friend still on November 9 has no school for his BEUTIFUL sweet nice young Yiddish girls ! But as long as what matters rt now is to cancel a small kumzitz event at gourmet glatt cuz there’s no parlor meeting fund raising for any mosdos pockets

    1. I dont know about elementary school but high school girls all got into a school, maybe not their school of choice. Im assuming this is the same with elementary. Im not saying this is perfect solution but I believe most girls do have 1 school to attend

  20. This is the second time Shlomo Simcha got burned in Lakewood. He was supposed to sing at the BMG tent event many years ago (2005 ?) but some kana'im opposed and BMG backed down. Poor guy.

  21. A Big Yasher Koach to the executives and owners of Gourmet Glatt for going beyond the call even at a financial loss to do what the Roshei Yeshiva wanted.
    a big thank you to the musicians and composers who took it graciously even though they put a lot of effort preparing.

  22. This is what the bochurim did Thursday night instead.

  23. Why doesnt our vaad take care of the real problems in town then this nonseanse!!
