Sunday, May 14, 2017

Lag Baomer 5777 מדורות ל"ג בעומר Lakewood

-Free Bow and arrow with any purchase at Z. Berman judaica stores and also at Toys for Thought 3rd and Clifton.
Sunday May 14th
-Minyan Shelanu 7:00 pm at Blue Claws stadium parking lot lighting @ 8 buy raffle ticket HERE
-Satmar bus to Monroe leaving 5:00 in front of Satmar BM 405 Forest Avenue
-Lutzk 4:00p Rides and BBQ Admission is free for Shul Members only 
-Strulowitz B'M- corner 8th & Madison 6:30 pm Admor Mrimanov will be on hand
-Bais Efraim- Rav Shimano New Central & Leigh Sunday 7PM
-High Street
-Lakewood commons 5 pm
-Hachnosas sefer Torah 12:00 at 435 Squankum to yeshiva Toras chaim 999  Ridge  leaving from Ridge and Brook rd at 2:00pm Seuda at Bais Onya 1210  Clifton  Avenue.
-Hachnosas Sefer Torah 3:00pm 14th street and Tanglewood to BM of Gur 1518  Tanglewood Lane, Lakewood NJ

Motzei Shabbos (weather permitting rain expected until 1 am)
(List in comment section)
-Krishevsky- 677  8th street 10:00 pm  בית מדרש קרישבסקי
-Breslov- 423 6th Street between Madison and Forest  10:15 ביהמ''ד ברסלב
-Stolin Tonight still on- 7th street corner Cornelius ביהמ''ד סטאלין at 10:15 pm
-Sterling Forest 10:30 Tonight
-(Bais Efraim- Rav Shimano New Central & Leigh) SUNDAY 7PM
-Belz- Harmony park
-Rachmastrivk- County Line
-Chateau park 10:00 hadlakah n the lot of the new bais medrash followed by a  seudah in shul with a drusha by Rabbi kanner shlita 


  1. What was pushed off?

  2. Stolin is having tonight

  3. Sterling Forest 10:30

  4. Breslov, Stolin, whispering pines all knocking tonight.

  5. BIKE4SHALOM takes place today!!!
    Location: 3:40pm Clifton ave between 3rd and 4th strets
    Leaving: 4pm SHARP.
    Bbq at Shalom school in Marlboro,NJ 25 miles out of Lakewood.

  6. any bonfires in the afternoon to bring the kids?

  7. Support Minyan Shelanu!!!!

  8. when is high street?
