Saturday, October 31, 2015

Lakewood bus stop now at Squankum and Kennedy

Due to construction at the Capitol Hotel the Lakewood Express bus service servicing Brooklyn-Lakewood route will not stop at the Capitol at 7th and Madison. The last stop will be at the corner of Squankum and Kennedy Blvd. All Pick ups and drop offs will take place at the aforementioned location until further notice. In addition, the Lakewood express bus stops in westgate, and 14th st and case rd, and forest and 13th st, and forest and 9th st for pickup and drop offs also in addition to the Kennedy stop.


  1. thank you HV for giving us all the news all the time. Those of us who are blocked by Mr. paranoid scoop appreciate you being the better alternative

  2. where is the Rockshire stop

  3. the lakewood express bus stops in westgate, and 14th st and case rd, and forest and 13th st, and forest and 9th st for pickup and drop offs also in addition to the kennedy stop.
