Thursday, August 20, 2015

Lakewood schools turn down non vaccinated applicants

As the debate with the anti vaxers rages on, many local chadorim and schools are taking a tough stance with non vaccinated children. Many schools will not accept and have turned down applicants who do not vaccinate their children. Prominent pediatricians have warned of the growing anti vaccine movement within the frum yeshivish communities. Anti vaxers argue that schools employ workers who their medical history is not known if they have been vaccinated which could be a danger to the children. There are rumors that the Vaad is backing schools not to accept unvaccinated children.


  1. glad to hear this...

  2. Common sense prevails. Thank you Dr. Shanik for standing up to the irrational leaders that thought they knew more than health professionals.

  3. This has nothing to do with health reasons. Follow the $$$$ and you will be surprise.or maybe you wont
