Friday, March 13, 2015

Stores roll out pesach products in advance, shoppers forced to pay more

The local heimish stores started to put out the pesach products, some stores have a special section while others have them spread around. As is expected, Pesach items cost more than the yearly available chometz products. However 3 weeks before pesach some chometz items are already removed forcing shoppers to purchase the more expensive kosher for pesach product. Pesach is a expensive yom tov, b'h, however we dont have to stretch it out back to Purim.


  1. KosherWest is mysteriously stopping its 500 dollar gift card program.

  2. Kosher west gift cards can still be bought until this coming Friday and be used for the Pesach season.

  3. Rumor has it that shoprite is being bought our by z rithchild but is using glatt gourmet of ny as a front to try fool the oylam.just wait for all the price fixing schemes.

  4. America, the land of free enterprise . . .
